What is the GCoop Energy Diet?
No More Yo-Yo Dieting~!
The GCoop Energy Diet program is a hybrid between the ketogenic diet and time restricted feeding diet. It is designed to be a detoxification program as well. Through good nutrition, participants cycle between normal meals during the weekend while training the body and mind during the weekdays. We have a coaching staff to help with you at all times through the Kakao Talk application.
Energy Diet Expectations
Many of the participants who follow the program lose between 10~15 pounds within 2~3 weeks. The first week is the hardest since it is the time where the body is getting adjusted to the ketogenic mode - the fat burning process. Many can experience diarrhea and other mood symptoms due to the weaning off of carbohydrates and during glycolysis. Low carbohydrate intake is practiced along with time restricted feeding with no meals 2~3 hours before bedtime. Good sleep is encouraged so that the body will produce sufficient growth hormones during the night.
People with chronic diseases taking medication is discouraged to start this diet without medical supervision since there will need to be adjustments with medications due to the lowering of blood sugar levels and possible lowering of blood pressure and other physiological events due to weight loss.