The Creators of the
Energy Diet Program
Dr. Ryu
Director of Korean Society of Integrative Oncology
Member of:
Korean Association of Traditional Oncology
Clinical Society for Integrative Oncology
The Korea Balance Medical Association
Korean Institute for Functional Medicine
Korea - Germany Bio-Medicine System
Institute of Korean Arts Therapy
Seoul Korean Medicine Chairman
SBS, CNBC broadcasting
Dr. Jung
Director of The Korean Clinical Dietetic Association
Member of:
Korean Society of Integrative Oncology
Clinical Society for Integrative Oncology
The Korea Balance Medical Association
Korea - Germany Bio-Medicine System
Over 100 Innmuno-Diet Seminar
Meet The Energy Diet Coaches
Coach Katherina Kim
Energy Diet is not just another trendy diet. Nor is it another calorie counting diet with exercise. This diet physically changed my body literally 15 years younger. I have learned to take care of my inner self and obtained new confidence through this program. I highly recommend the program for those who are looking to renew your self. I'm Katherina, General Manager of the GCoop Energy Diet USA
Coach Young Jo
After experiencing the Energy Diet, my body was transformed and my skin was rejuvenated. I wanted to learn more so I decided to become an Energy Diet Coach. Currently I am in charge of the English speaking participants in our Energy Diet program. The greater goal of this program is to develop healthy habits and sound nutrition. With the help of our medical doctors, I look forward to guide you through this 4 week health journey.
안나경 코치
안녕하세요. 저는 큰비만은 아니었으나 체지방감량을 위해 에너지 다이어트 스쿨에 한달간 참여하고
5키로 목표감량과 비만오면 온몸이 쑤시는 오십견증세가 없어지고 생활에 에너지가 넘치게 되었습니다
그후로 부코치횔동을 거쳐 코치를 1년 넘게 하고 있는 안나경 이라고 합니다
제 가족과 제 지인들에게 에너지 다이어트를 알리며 모두 차츰 건강해지고 있는걸 보며 저의 코치활동은 계속될 것입니다
정성아 코치
안녕하세요? 저는 에너지다이어트 시즌 2-1때 처음으로 에다를 체험하며 XL입던옷이 M 싸이즈로 변한 체중감량은 물론이며 12.8이던 당화혈색소가 6.9로 내려가는 놀라운 변화로 인하여 미국 GED 코치로 활동한지 1년이 지났습니다. 2019년에는 4,300명의 체험지중 왕중왕 쳄피언을 탄생시킨 코치랍니다. 저는 현재 미국 GED 신청접수/이디환 주문 및 배송담당도 맡고 있는 정성아코치입니다.
I want to especially thank Coach Ahn and Coach Jo for helping me out in the Energy Diet program. During the beginning stages of the diet I had experienced faintness and increased nervousness... I immediately contacted my coaches and they explained to me what was happening. Dr. Jung increased the E.D. Hwan and I have successfully completed the program. I have never been healthier and I am enjoying my life with my family.
Coach Training
All GCoop Energy Diet coaches are certified and required to go through a rigorous training program which includes the understanding of the diet concepts, knowledge of the dietary supplements and their functions and ability to recognize special dietary circumstances.